

Sunday, October 4, 2015

When it Rains it Pours - Letter to Dad - 7 September, 2015

Hey Dad,

How are you doing? I hope things are going well with the business!! :) I heard that you are working super super hard! :) I would love to hear all about it soon. :)

So, I don't have a whole ton of time left, but I wanted to send a quick update on what is going on in Japan!! It was an absolutely incredible week, and so insanely busy. I got to teach 15 legitimate lessons this last week!! :D I think that Elder Driscoll and I have been doing super super good. We are working with a lot of really good people right now.

Oscar has his baptismal date for this weekend but it is looking like he is not going to make it. I will be honest, I've gotten a bit discouraged today. It is really frustrating. He will be able to do it as he comes closer to Christ, though. This is all just a step in the journey that he is making in life. He will know what to do, and with the Lord's help and timing everything will work out.

Yutaro is the coolest ever. He is 24 years old and loves the gospel. He has had a testimony that it is true for probably over a year, but because of work and his girlfriend being opposed to the church he hasn't made the decision to be baptized either. President Wada loves him and we have been working with him a lot. He is such a powerful man. He has all sorts of connections. For example, we had a lesson with him and president realized that Yutaro needed a new job so that he could come to church on Sunday, so he called his friend who is the owner of a translating company. Then he called the president of Franklin Covey Japan (another friend. I've actually been to his house). Then he called the lady that is in charge of the human resources in Japan for Google. She had worked under him when he was the operations manager for Universal Studios Japan. haha basically he has all sorts of extremely powerful connections. But, soon Yutaro should be able to get a new job and meet us more, as well as go to work on Sunday!! Which is super good. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be working with him.

That is just a super quick update, but I wanted to let you know a couple of the things that are going on right now! I have never been able to teach this many people. I feel like my Japanese is slowly improving, even if it takes time. I love learning it, and it is so worth the struggle. I am grateful for all of the trials of my life. The trees don't grow strong without wind.

Remember to always turn to the Lord when things get hard. When  anything gets hard. Don't worry. Everything will work out for your good. i love you so so so much, Dad!! You are such an amazing example of faith and patience to me. Thank you so so so much!! :) <3 <3

Love, Elder Livingston

Note: Some names may have been changed for privacy.

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