

Sunday, October 4, 2015

By Small and Simple Means - Letter to Dad - 24 August, 2015

Hey Dad!

Those business cards look great! :D You are just he coolest president of a company ever. Keep up the good work, and make sure to include the Lord in all of your decisions for your company. He knows how to run things a lot better than we do. Haha I have definitely been learning that recently. I love the work here so much!

In answer to a couple of Mom's questions, I haven't yet bought shoes, since the ones I have still work, they are just getting closer and closer to their final days. I thought it was super bad a little while ago, but they have held up surprisingly well!  :) so that is good. The workouts that dad sent will be helping more in the coming weeks. I hadn't used them due to the timing problem, but this past week just decided that I needed better workouts, especially after seeing Ammon's progress with his. :) haha thanks for sending them, dad. They really are helping. I had a good Total Synergistics workout this morning, even if I didn't do everything perfectly. I am looking forward to see how it goes in the coming weeks. Elder Driscoll and I made a goal to wake up an hour early every day and work out, and then we will have an extra hour to get ready, so that has also helped. :) but, that has really been the biggest help for our studies, which often die due the fact that we have to go to all sorts of district meetings and things like that. It is super fun though. :) thanks for praying for Oscar too! I know that he will be able to help his family,

My wrist is doing better! It was better after a week. :) and it is starting to cool down a little bit. It is still hot though. We had a day with 100% humidity the other day! :D haha it was SO hot. But the worst was when it was around 111 degrees or so, and still 60% humidity. Um.....let's see.....that's about all of your questions, right?

Well, this week I learned a lot about the small things. I know that goals are important. But in order to reach those goals, we have to take small steps. I have been struggling to know how to break the plateau that I felt my Japanese has taken recently. However, I got to go and teach a lesson with Elder Mukai, this awesome teacher and Japanese elder. He talked a lot about how to learn English because it was a half English half gospel lesson. I learned a ton about how to improve my Japanese. So, I will be learning about 150 new things each week, which should (if I keep steady) improve my vocabulary by at least 4300 words and 2000 or so characters by the end of my mission (which would make it so I could read almost anything!). That is one way interesting thing. I can't read most of the things I see in stores and on the streets. Because there are thousands of characters. But, it's a work in progress. :) haha But the little things, like trying to be consistently good, and consistent with goals, is so important, and I hope you remember that. When you build this business that is a big goal, but don't get lost in how big it is. Just take it one bite at a time, one step at a time, one goal at a time. :) I know you are going to do fantastic. Good luck with everything! I will be praying for you! :) <3

I love you so much, dad! I am not sure how much time I have left, so I  better wrap up so I can finish emailing everyone else as well. I love you so much, and I look up to you infinitely! Keep working hard! I love you! <3

Love Elder Livingston

Note: Some names may have been changed for privacy.

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